Gender Affirmation Surgery

Genital surgical procedures for male to female patients include:

• Orquidectomy: resection of testicles
• Penectomy: resection of the penis
• Vaginoplasty: construction of the neo vagina
• Clitoroplasty: construction of the clitoris
• Labioplasty: construction of the lips

Techniques include inversion of the skin of the penis, colon vaginoplasty and skin grafts to cover the neovagina. Sexual sensation is an important goal in vaginoplasty, along with the creation of a functional and aesthetically acceptable vagina.

Surgical complications of MtF genital surgery may include total or partial necrosis of the vagina and lips, fistulas from the bladder or bowel to the vagina, stenosis of the urethra, and vaginas that are too short or too small for intercourse. While surgical techniques for creating a new vagina are functional and aesthetically excellent, anorgasmia has been reported in some cases worldwide following the procedure, and a second stage of vaginal lip reduction may be aesthetically necessary.

Average time: 3-4 hours
Type of anesthesia: General or Epidural + sedation


• Adult age
• Assessment by psychiatry or psychology to confirm good mental health.
• Emotionally stable
• Medically healthy with any medical conditions being treated and under control.
• Living as a female 24 hours a day at least for one year in a row.

• Support of spouse, family, significant other, friends

Frequently asked questions:

¿How long will it take me to recover from vaginoplasty?
After spending a week in the hospital, you will need to stay in Cali for at least 3 weeks.

¿When can I go back to work after a vaginoplasty?
Most people return to work after vaginoplasty in about 4-6 weeks.  You can resume strenous work and exercise in 6-8 weeks.

¿What about orgasms?
Most if not all our patients are able to have orgasm following a vaginoplasty. Some people experience orgasm within several months to a year and a half.

¿What do dilators look like?
The dilators have a shape like a candle but they come in different sizes from small to large.  When dilating, you should use the largest dilator which fits comfortably in the vagina.  You can use any other type of dilator, dildo, or vibrator as long as it fits comfortably into the vagina and does not cause pain or injury to the tissues.

¿Do I need to douche?
In some cases its necessary to douche once or twice a week. However, it’s not that common.

¿ How long will it take for my scars to go away?
Scars never disappear.  All scars are permanent.  It takes about one year for scars to heal completely and during the first few months they are usually pink or reddish and sometimes tender and raised, but between six months and a year they usually become flat, white and soft and are barely visible by 8-12 months after surgery.

¿What weight do I have to be to have surgery?
We don’t require any specific weight but strongly recommend that you be as close to your ideal weight as is reasonably possible.  It is recommended that your body mass index (BMI) is below 30.
Being near your ideal weight will reduce the chances of complications and will help in the aesthetic result.

¿What’s required if I smoke
It’s important that you stop smoking for several weeks before and after surgery (at least two weeks) or you risk complications associated with non-healing.  Smoking causes long-term constriction of blood vessels which will decrease the amount of blood required to heal your incisions.  There is a significant increase in complications such as wound break down, infection, bad scarring, etc. in people who smoke.

¿ What hair removal is required or necessary?
Dr. Alvaro´s patients don’t require hair removal before the procedure.